
Sandra Bernhardt and Friends

Omg click on this link the show is so funny.  I was in the audience after my partner David Doughten died a year before.  Laughter is truly the best medicine.

I'm not done with the composition.  It'll be twice the length and the lyrics will be in Aramaic.

In honor of the 25th anniversary October 12 of Matthew Sheppard.  I went to the trial, had a bit part in the movie and met Judy Sheppard twice.  That woman has more capacity to love and forgive JUST IN HER LITTLE PINKIE, then all of us combined.  I am ashamed of myself for my own hatred and resentment in others.

Romans 12:19-21 King James Version (KJV)
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

So I got hit by a pickup truck on my mountain bike on November 9th.

Ofc Cassandra Deets issues me a citation for riding my bike on the sidewalk.  My former roommate, Marty Bindl from Montana State University, drove a bumblebee yellow Chevy Chevette 2 door hatchback that would fit snugly on campus sidewalks after 2 feet of snow was plowed off.  The bumper sticker reads "If you don't like the way I drive them stay off the sidewalks". 

Do you know how to turn Ofc Deets from a police officer into a snowblower?

A) hand her a shovel..

Okay...on a serious note:

Isn't it time that Police officers just lay down their guns and turn them into plow shares?  Isn't it time to have citizens advocacy take over so you monsters can be fathers and teachers and comediennes?  What if you just quit?  What would happen if you walked about unarmed as I always have (haven't owned a gun since 1991 when I gave them to my friend Brian Cooke of Palm Springs.)

What would happen if drugs were decriminalized as they have been in Oregon and Portugal?  What if?  

What if we opened up the borders of Pan America and assigned everyone a social security number?  What if we had one currency like the Euro, but instead called it the Uno?  What if we taxed the daylights out of the rich and corporations?  What if we had free health care and education for all?

Sounds a bit like my native country of Norway.  What if we tried?  If it sounds like I have political ambitions, you are right.  Because I always tell the truth and I demand transparency from those around me.

That's all for now.  I must study my EMT class.  Stay safe out there 🙏💝

Vikingo Rugroden-Zavala

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